New Releases

Professor Poison by R.W. Clinger at JMS Books

Genre Gay / Contemporary / Artists/Actors/Musicians/Authors / Erotic Romance
Length Novella, 27695 words
Heat Level
Publication Date 14-September-2019

Book Blurb

Niall Reed is doing the craziest thing. At thirty-six, he's decided to take an evening class called “Mystery Writer” at Rossner College. Writing the perfect cozy mystery has always been on his bucket list, and now is the time to begin.

Enter Hatch Daily, or as Niall knows him, the best-selling mystery writer Professor Poison, A.K.A. E.L. Poison. Hatch is the class's professor. He's a beautiful man from head to toes, and Niall's immediately attracted to him.

The two men begin to date, doing odd things both enjoy, like taking an underground tour of the Hillfellow Cemetery after dark and seeing Hitchcock's Rear Window. Soon they begin to fall for each other.

With the good comes the bad, of course. There's a mysterious man in Hatch's life named Collin. As the end of the class approaches, will Niall learn who Collin is, or will he lose Professor Poison to a mysterious stranger?

Additional Information

Format ebook
Publisher JMS Books
Length Novella, 27695 words
Heat Level
Publication Date 14-September-2019
Price $3.99 ebook
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