Charlie Cochet
Where romance is the cat's pajamas
reviewed by Lena Grey
reviewed by ParisDude
reviewed by Barb
reviewed by Lena Grey
reviewed by Kristin F.
reviewed by Lena Grey
reviewed by Bob-O-Link
reviewed by Kristin F.
reviewed by ParisDude
reviewed by Lena Grey
reviewed by Bob-O-Link
reviewed by Christy Duke
reviewed by Lena Grey
reviewed by Bob-O-Link
reviewed by Christy Duke
reviewed by Lena Grey
Where romance is the cat's pajamas
Let There Be Love
author of m/m romances
Fiction that’s better than a poke in the eye, but not as good as a poke... well, you know.
Rainbow Book Reviews is an all volunteers, non-profit site dedicated to GLBTQ-related books, reviews, and authors who write about topics of interest to the GLBTQ community and its allies.