Author Interviews

Interview with Andy Dunn on 24-February-2014

Author's Interview

Let's start with you telling us a little bit about yourself, Andy.
I’m originally from South Bend, Indiana. I’ve lived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota (the less said about the time I tried to move to Chicago, Illinois, the better). I’m gradually moving north, so Manitoba, Canada, is probably my next stop. I’ve lived with my boyfriend Peter for nineteen years.

What would people be most surprised to learn about you?
I have this thing for baristas and bass players. I notice a band I’ve never heard before, I crush out on a guy and 9.5 times out of 10, boom. Bass player. I go to a coffee place and the first thing I look at before the menu is the barista. I’m hopeless.

When did you start writing, is it something you've always been interested in, or did it develop later in life?
I wrote my first story as a class assignment back in first grade, which would put it 1970-1971. I tried to write more during that time, but it sort of faded until sixth grade, when my teacher had us write short stories using our weekly vocabulary list. It got me started again, and I’ve been going ever since.

Has it been everything you thought it would be or not?
Unfortunately, I believed A LOT of the Hollywood version as I was growing up and exploring the idea of getting published. I never realized how much work it was going to be!

How did it feel when you realized that your very first book was going to be published?
I cried. I was at work when I got the email and I just burst into tears at my desk. When I called my mother, I was SO creative about it; I actually asked her, "Are you sitting down?", going for a hoary old chestnut.

What's your favorite part of writing a book?
Getting to play with ideas.  I’ve come up with some and put them into the stories, thinking they’d never fly. Somehow, it all ties together.

Do you get time to read for pleasure? If so, which books do you enjoy?
Yes.  I’m currently reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid:  Hard Luck by Jeff Kinney, and I’m waiting for the last Tales of the City book by Armistead Maupin, The Days of Anna Madrigal with bated breath.

Are there any other genres you'd be interested in writing?
I’ve tried science fiction and fantasy, but I really didn’t get the hang of conflict and true human interaction and relationships until I tried writing my first romance. I was able to combine urban fantasy with contemporary male/male romance, so I might give it another shot at some point.

Please tell us a little about your most recent release.
Kitchen Witch is a combination of two manuscripts I couldn’t get to work on their own. I’d set aside an urban fantasy where the magic users rode motorcycles instead of horses but it was missing the conflict. The other had the conflict and human interaction, but it was missing…something. I took the magic user element from the UF and put it into the contemporary gay romance and viola. (Two of the main characters are based on two baristas I’ve crushed out on over the years.)

What can we look forward to in the future from you?
I’ve finished a YA that I hope to get out and about soon, plus I’m working on another contemporary male/male that deals with addiction and recovery. (Not sure if the main character in that one is a bass player yet. Still plenty of time.)

Anything you want to say to your readers?
Thank you SO MUCH for your continued support! I’m so happy you’re out there!

Andy Dunn's recent releases:
But I Never Said I Didn’t Love You

Kitchen Witch

Excerpt from Kitchen Witch:
Rhys was seated behind the counter and had just opened his laptop to begin his monthly financial updates when he noticed the two attractive gentlemen outside. One was that local healer, Declan Whiteleather, and while he had nice, longish, dark brown hair with a matching flowing beard and mustache set and a respectable pooch, the taller guy next to him caused Rhys to blink a few times. His sandy brown hair stuck up in parts, like he’d just removed a hat, his beard was short but still rather thick, his white shirt and gray tie added a certain elegance to his motorcycle jacket, and his dress slacks were tailored perfectly to emphasize everything beautifully. Rhys held back a gasp. He’d recognize the guy’s bright, expressive blue eyes anywhere. He’d stopped outside the door, behind Declan, as if he were uncertain he should even bother, and then finally came into the shop.

Oh, Gods. Oz just walked into Evenglade.

“Oz. How are you?” he asked and smiled awkwardly.

Oz also smiled, equally warm and charming, and the light in his eyes made Rhys want to linger a bit longer and listen to everything he had to say. Time had been kind to him. “Great. Fine. Doing well. You?”

“Fine. Great.”

“So. It’s been…”

“Yeah. About six years since I saw you last.”

“Yeah. Six.”

“So. Back from…”

“San Francisco. Yep. Since the beginning of the month.”

“That recently.”

“Yeah. I came down with pneumonia on the trip back, so I’ve been laid up in Declan Whiteleather’s infirmary. It’s been a bit hectic for me lately.”

Neither seemed to be in any hurry to release the other’s hand, but Rhys blinked first and shook them from their reverie. “I’m sorry. What can I do for you?” he said with a chuckle as he put his hand in his pocket.

What I’d like to do for you, Oz, is kiss your palms and suck your fingers, but such an offer might be construed as tacky.

“I saw your sign and was wondering if I might be able to fill out an application.” He pointed over his shoulder with his thumb.

“I’m looking for some counter help to work the register and schedule appointments. If you have any barista experience, that’d be great, because I’d like to branch out into a tea room. Give the customers an excuse to linger and spend some extra money.”

“Sounds great. That’s how I paid my rent the last four years I was in California.”

Rhys reached under the counter and pulled an application off a pad. Great. The hottest guy Rhys had seen in…hours…wanted to fill out an application, and he was an ex. He had to remind himself that his need for a new employee was a bit more pressing than his need for a boyfriend. He could audition for those later.

But Rhys could still turn on the charm, and he gave his patented “Gods, you’re cute” smile. “If you need to bring it back, I’m open until seven,” he said as he handed the application to Oz.

Oz switched to shy mode and whispered, “Thanks. I’ll come back later. Declan needs some caffeine, and I’d hate to hold him up.”

“That’s okay. It’s great seeing you again,” Rhys said as they shook hands once more before Oz and Declan left. He quickly turned to look at his appointment book so he couldn’t give himself a chance to look at Oz’s ass to see if it was as nice as he remembered.


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