Book Reviews

McFarland's Farm (A Hope Story 1) by Cardeno C. at The Romance Authors

Genre Gay / Contemporary / Erotic Romance
Reviewed by Christy Duke on 10-September-2014

Book Blurb

Wealthy, attractive Lucas Reika treats life like a party, moving from bar to bar and man to man. Thumbing his nose at his restaurateur father's demand that he earn his keep, Lucas instead seduces a valued employee in the kitchen of their flagship restaurant, earning himself an ultimatum: lose access to his father's money or stay in the middle of nowhere with a man he has secretly lusted over from afar.

Quiet, hard-working Jared McFarland loves his farm on the outskirts of Hope, Arizona, but he aches to have someone to come home to at the end of the day. Jared agrees to take in his longtime crush as a favor. But when Lucas invades his heart in addition to his space, Jared has to decide how much of himself he's willing to risk and figure out if he can offer Lucas enough to keep him after his father's punishment is over.


Book Review

I'm a hardcore fan of CC's and without it sounding condescending, I just have to say how very proud I am of her for taking a chance on self-publishing. I can only image how scary that must be, especially after having a long-term relationship with a publisher. Oh, I don't think she's finished using a publisher, but I commend her courage in striking out on her own, and dipping her toe in the water. With that said, let me be the first to say how much I loved 'McFarland's Farm', book one in a new series entitled 'Hope'. This author is a wonderful weaver of stories that always resonate within me. My only complaint? It could've been so much longer. *grins*

Jared lives in Hope, Arizona and he works his farm. He grows quality organic produce and his biggest customer, Paul, owns a series of exclusive restaurants in Los Angeles. Paul's daughter, Susan, is Jared's best friend, she was his high school sweetheart, and, briefly, his wife. Now she and her new husband and kids live in Phoenix, but she is still the only family Jared has left. Unfortunately, she has a half brother, Lucas, whom Susan describes as "an entitled, self-absorbed, lazy prick." He's also the most gorgeous man Jared has ever seen, and whenever Jared has been around him, his already lacking social skills fly right out the window. This leaves Jared, a six foot five, beefy guy with shaggy red hair, and a scar across his face, stuttering. Now Jared has to host Lucas for two months or else Lucas loses out on Daddy's generosity.

I wasn't very impressed with Lucas at first glance. He is, literally, Beverly Hills snobby, I'm too good for everyone and everything. Actually, my second glance didn't change that opinion. When I discovered how big of a crush Lucas has always had on Jared, I cut him a little slack. Of course, when Jared gave him the talk about not being a freeloader on his farm, I figured these two were off to a good start. Lucas was doing really well, too, handling all the paperwork in the office and streamlining systems. Lucas even seemed content for the first time in his life. Then he did the one step forward and twenty-five back, and put himself right back at selfish and spoiled. Oh, Lucas, honey—grow the eff up!

I fell completely, 100 percent, head-over-heels in love with Jared. A true gentle giant, Jared is a good, honest, compassionate, loving man who dreams of having someone to come home to, someone to whisper his secrets and dreams to in the dark, someone to love with everything inside of him. When he was telling Lucas about how his mom died while they were boating when Jared was fifteen, and how the town came together and helped take care of him, my eyes definitely teared up. It took quite a bit longer, but I grew to adore Lucas. He lost his mom at an early age, was raised by a single father who works constantly, and he grew up in an area where pretty and rich get you everything you want. I didn't forgive him for his poor behavior in the beginning but I understood him much better by the end.

Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. Sweet, sexy, gentle, hot, and beautiful, this is a love story worth reading and rereading. I'm adding it to my list of favorites and the guys, too. I can't wait for the next installment!





DISCLAIMER: Books reviewed on this site were usually provided at no cost by the publisher or author. This book has been provided by the author for the purpose of a review.

Additional Information

Format ebook
Length Novella, 25665 words
Heat Level
Publication Date 10-September-2014
Price $3.99 ebook
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