Book Reviews

The Journal of Sanctuary One (Sanctuary 6) by RJ Scott at Love Lane Books

Genre Gay / Contemporary / Agents/Spies / Romance / Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Reviewed by Serena Yates on 11-December-2012

Book Blurb

When a snowstorm stops his friends from joining him at Sanctuary One for Christmas, Jake ends up alone. Sean has only one place to go. The original Sanctuary cabin. Neither man is prepared for the secrets that threaten to destroy Sanctuary.

Jake spends every Christmas at Sanctuary One. With the third anniversary of the day his dad died approaching, he arranges for Kayden, Beckett, and himself to meet at the cabin a few days before Christmas. A snowstorm blocks his friends in NY, and Jake ends up alone.

Sean is being hunted and the only place he can run to is somewhere mentioned in an old journal. The original Sanctuary cabin. It is no longer in official use but it would be a good place to heal and take stock of just what is going on with his life.

Neither man is prepared for being stuck together for an entire week, nor for the culmination of a case that threatens to get them killed.


Book Review

What a treat to finally read Jake's story. He may be in charge of Sanctuary, but his personal life is a different matter. In this book he has to confront not only the consequences of some of the threads from across the five previous books, but also his feelings for Sean. Yes, the same Sean who looks a lot like a traitor to the ongoing case against the Bullen family. Jake being who he is, and Sean not willing to compromise either, they are headed for an explosive confrontation within the first two chapters. Fireworks of the professional and personal nature follow, interspersed with new evidence and revelations about the case that just keep coming. This makes for a very wild ride.

Jake is lonely (even if he won’t admit it) and lives for his work. His parents having died in a plane crash a few years back and Jake 'inheriting' the running of Sanctuary from his father has something to do with it, but mostly it is due to the kind of man Jake is. Focused, dedicated, and determined are the positive ways of putting it, stubborn and bull-headed make up the other side of the coin. He also has a weakness for Sean, not that he will acknowledge that in his waking moments. He had just started to trust him when the man betrayed him and everything Sanctuary stands for in the worst way. Or did he?

Sean is in trouble. He is in way over his head. He's had to do a few things he did not like, and they have driven him into a corner. As a consequence he is now being hunted – by everyone – and needs some time to recuperate and gather his thoughts. He has some evidence and information everyone will want to use for their own objectives, and he has no idea whom to trust anymore. Wounded and exhausted he figures out there is only one place he can run that will give him the time and rest he needs. But when he discovers the "deserted" cabin is very much inhabited, he knows he is done for. Or is he?

There are so many questions, twists and turns, and fascinating revelations in this book, that it kept me going "huh?" and "what?" the whole time. The passion between Jake and Sean is explosive, emotions run deep, and the story, while tying up quite a few loose ends, still leaves some questions at the end. Which is good, since there will be another sequel, or so I hear.
If you like stories with men who are as stubborn as they are principled yet ready to kiss each other into oblivion at the least sign of hope, if you prefer your books to be filled with suspense and quite a few revelations, and if you want to know what the newest developments are in the 'Bullen case', then you will probably like this book as much as I did. Once you have read it – the wait is on for the next sequel!




DISCLAIMER: Books reviewed on this site were usually provided at no cost by the publisher or author. This book has been provided by the author for the purpose of a review.

Additional Information

Format ebook
Length Novella, 91 pages/31430 words
Heat Level
Publication Date 20-November-2012
Price $3.49
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