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Bedknobs and Brimstone by K.L. Noone at JMS Books

Genre Gay / Urban Fantasy / Artists/Actors/Musicians/Authors / Angels & Demons / Magic / Psychic Powers / Romance
Length Short Story, 1814 words
Publication Date 20-March-2021

Book Blurb

A Demon for Midwinter bonus story

Some days married life is great. And some days your husband’s demon magic sets the bed on fire. But rock star Kris Starr wouldn’t have it any other way. And if living together costs them a mattress or two, that’s fine -- he’ll just have to make sure Justin knows how much Kris loves him.

Justin’s still getting used to his newly expanded powers. They’re unpredictable, and they want to be used. Kris says everything’s fine, but Justin’s worried: what if he accidentally hurts Kris?

Fortunately, Justin’s husband’s also an empath ... and very good at knowing what he needs.


Additional Information

Format ebook
Publisher JMS Books
Length Short Story, 1814 words
Heat Level
Publication Date 20-March-2021
Price FREE
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