Book Blurb
When Greg Aubuchon brings home an inebriated man one night, he’s merely playing Good Samaritan. What’s the point of a twenty-five-year-old gay virgin having designs on a twenty-two-year-old straight player who just broke up with his girlfriend?
But… assumptions often prove erroneous. Faron Weaver’s girlfriend was actually a boyfriend, and he’s every bit as screwed up about being a promiscuous gay Amish man as Greg is about being a celibate gay ex-monk.
A bond forms between them, as bizarre as it is fitting, when Greg’s current housemate moves out and Faron moves in. Although mutual attraction charges the air, their friendship remains chaste.
Other men disappoint and even hurt them, making real love seem like an impossible dream. Estrangement from faith and family fills them with guilt. They confide and commiserate and consider solutions, but nothing seems to be enough. Greg and Faron have a longing to belong that could send them back to the places they came from…unless they accept the blessing that’s right under their noses.
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